Friday, July 10, 2009

Weekly Meditation for July 12
Weekly Meditation
by Tom Robertsen

Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing
[Adventure into Inner Space]
Ephesians 1: 3-14

Praise be to the God and Parent of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing...
In Christ we were chosen before the world was founded,
To be without blemish, full of love, accepted as children through Jesus Christ,
So that the glory of this gift, so graciously bestowed upon us in the Beloved,
Might redound to his praise.
In Christ our release is secured and our sins are forgiven.
There lies the richness of God's free grace lavished upon us,
Giving full wisdom and insight...
And you, also, when you have heard the message of truth,
Have received the seal of the Holy Spirit.

The epistle writer opens his book with a passage of astounding and nearly overwhelming hope and promise to those living in the "household of God", as he calls it further on.

We, too, live in that household, both spiritually in our hearts and physically in our new church home. Rightly so, and certainly we feel blessed at every turn. But the real blessing is not the physical structure at 1919 South Broadway. And so, let's go farther and deeper -- let's take a space journey in through the window of our own soul.

Put aside if you will, everything going on about you -- perhaps close your eyes for these moments of meditation. Now, mentally walk with me to our church's entrance, which is inviting you in.

As you walk inside, feel the love around you, giving you peace and inspiration. Find a seat in the sanctuary, perhaps before the altar. Mentally you can freely reach out to touch that altar if you like.

If we sit and wait patiently and silently, the great heart of Christ can and will speak to us as it did in Ephesians to those early Christians. Bring everything in your being to him.

Are you feeling at fault or unworthy? Listen to hear that we are "chosen in the Lord to be holy, blameless."

Feeling alone? We were adopted and planned for by the Creator in the first light of creation.

Are we feeling short-changed in our life? The Creator's grace is freely given and lavished upon us, with full redemption and forgiveness.

Yes, we can indeed feel all of this, accept this and rely on these assurances.

Feel the presence of the Christ spirit right now, right where you're sitting. Respond to it. Dialogue with it.

If you should see the image of your Lord there, embrace it, speak to it, ask for what you need. Listen to what it may tell you.

Stay here as long as you like on your spiritual journey. Return often to receive more of the heavenly peace. And so, "having believed, you are now marked by the Christ with the emblem of the Holy Spirit," in this household of God! Rejoice.

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